Supervisory Board
Occupation: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Montana Tech Components AG and entrepreneur
Place of residence: Vienna
Year of birth: 1966
Nationality: Austrian
- 2002 Executive Program, Harvard Business School, USA
- 2001 Executive Program, Stanford University, USA
- 1991 Doctorate (Dr. iur.). University of Vienna, Austria
- 1990 Doctorate (Dr. rer. soc. oec.), Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria
Professional background
- Since 2006 CEO and majority owner, Montana Tech Components AG, Switzerland, including various functions in Group companies
- Since 1998 Managing owner of WertInvest Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH, Austria, including various functions in Group companies
- Since 1998 Managing owner of Global Equity Partners Beteiligungs-Management GmbH, Austria, including various functions in Group companies
- Since 1990 Managing owner of Michael Tojner Industriebeteiligungs und -beratungs GmbH, Austria
Membership in other statutory supervisory boards
Membership in comparable domestic or foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises
Montana Tech Components AG, Switzerland (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Montana Aerospace AG, Switzerland (Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Montana AS Beteiligungs Holding AG, Switzerland (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Dorotheum GmbH, Austria (member of the Supervisory Board)
Other significant secondary businesses
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria (university lecturer)
Federation of Austrian Industries, Vienna, Austria (member of the Executive Board)
Disclosures pursuant to Recommendation C.13 of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK)
Dr. Dr. Tojner is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and majority owner of Montana Tech Components AG, which currently indirectly holds around 55.5% of the voting rights in the company and is thus himself an indirect shareholder with a controlling interest in the company. He maintains indirect business relationships with VARTA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT and with the VARTA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Group, which consist among others of a services agreement between Montana Tech Components GmbH and VARTA AG as